These older manuals are provided for information only, many of the spare parts for the superseded models are no longer available.
Deutscher can provide spare parts for Deutscher Chippers, Chipper Shredders and Lawn Mowers - both Ride Ons & Self Propelled Walk Behinds.
You can find a list of manuals for both current mower and chipper models as well as older Deutscher equipment below.
Owners manual for the Deutscher XE560 self-propelled lawn mower, both Briggs & Stratton (36214) and Honda (36215) engine models.
Owners manual and parts list for the Deutscher HE660 self-propelled lawn mower, both the manual start (36257) and electric start (36258) models.
Operation and maintenance manual for the Deutscher 650 petrol-powered chipper/shredder.
Operation and maintenance manual for the Deutscher 750 petrol-powered garden chipper.
Owners manual for the Deutscher XE560 self-propelled lawn mower, both Briggs & Stratton (36214) and Honda (36215) engine models.
Owners manual for the Deutscher XF480 self-propelled lawn mower, both Briggs & Stratton (36218) and Honda (36216) engine models.
Maintenance manual and parts list for the Deutscher G26 self-propelled lawn mower, both Briggs & Stratton (436026) and Honda (436025) engine models.
Maintenance instructions and parts list for the Deutscher H26 self-propelled lawn mower, both Briggs & Stratton (36055,36255,36256) and Honda (36057,36257,36157,36258) engine models.
Maintenance instructions and parts list for the Deutscher Y560 self-propelled lawn mower, both fixed front wheels (36012) and swivel front wheels (36212) models.
Maintenance instructions and parts list for the Deutscher TH910 ride-on lawn mower.
Maintenance instructions and parts list for the Deutscher R540 zero-turn ride-on lawn mower.
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